Monday, January 3, 2011


For when the wicked rules,
the righteous mourn.
For i mourn,
but many revel.
It seems as the increases
of life on earth.
The decrease in desire
for humanity and justice.
Kings are wickeder than
some of the forgotten life.
Kids tooken for granted,
treated as a bill to manage.
No time tooken apart to raise
the generation to come.
Because people are out of their minds,
caught in the midst of a slave,
with which they have become.
Don't own anything,
Rulers own everything.
These are rulers of wickedness,
and in the dept of their souls
dealth, deception and greed.
But the people follow and believe.
Common sense doesnt come to their creed.
For people themselves rejoice.
For the wicked whoms the master
of current times.
The cries of the oppressed
unheard, and ignored.
While the revelation of the wealth
of the wealthy consistently augments.
STILL many serve and few resist.
Sometimes its as if,
we are chained and worked
as in the old times.
Future going back in time,
repudiating itself as some
nursery rhyme.
For people in this country,
are forever in dept.
Working slave hours for
the power that be, yet
in the sense of barter you get...
contaminated food and drinks,
counterfeit cures,
lies about undeclared wars,
and heard of rumors of wars.
But we breath and eat poison,
yet people are wondering
why they have bad health.
The truth is in the mist of thyself.

For when the wicked rules,
the righteous mourn.
Wake up out the matrix
come into reality.
Synthesize with your minds,
Sprout up your consciousness.
Be as a rose in a field
of tullups.
Truth shall set you free
in this captive state.
WE as a people must prosper
quit playing as bait.
Revolutionize our bodies,
souls, and minds.
Revolutionize the wrong
and make it right.
Injustice should never
remain as power, because
the end result has always been sour.
So repent
unenslave your souls, minds and bodies.
For you are no longer their property.
Neither do you have to subdue to their
Come out of this captivity
And be a servant to the Most High
for he is the begining
and so shall he be the end.

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